What can I expect as a coach?
As a coach for a Fireball Futures team you can expect the full support of the Fireballs family. You will be assigned a coaching mentor from one of our tournament teams to help guide you on your coaching journey and support you along the way. This could include anything from practice planning and drill ideas to game-time strategy to managing parents.
Your team will consist of no more than 12 players who have expressed a clear desire to grow and develop their softball skills. You will be responsible for leading practices, managing games, communicating with parents and recruiting your assistant coaches. Of course, the Fireball Family will be there to help and assist where needed.
How many players will be on my team?
We are committed to keeping teams small in order to maximize skill development and individual attention. All Fireball Futures teams will be 12 or fewer players.
How do I find players? Can I recruit my own players?
The Fireballs organization will have a recruitment period whereby all interested players can sign up and express interest in playing on a Futures team. After registration is closed, there will be a tryout process whereby girls will be evaluated on a variety of qualities. After tryouts, coaches will select girls for their team with input from the Board of Directors. If you have particular girls in mind for your team, they should register and attend tryouts.
How do I find Assistant Coaches?
You will need to recruit Assistant Coaches from the parents of your player pool. The Board of Directors can assist with this process as much or as little as needed. If you have an Assistant Coach in mind, he or she should register through the Fireballs website.
What kind of support can I expect as a coach?
Each Fireball Futures coach will receive a coaching handbook. Among other topics, the Handbook will cover:
- How to plan and run a practice
- Skill development
- Drills
- Basic softball rules
- Basic softball strategy and game management
- How to deal with common problems or issues
In addition, each Fireball Futures coach will be assigned a coaching mentor from one of our competitive tournament teams. The coaching mentor will help guide you through the coaching journey and answer any questions you may have. The Board of Directors is also a resource for you to lean on as a coach. The Board is dedicated to helping you be as successful as possible.
When are practices; how long are they; where are they located; and how many are there?
Fireball Futures usually have 2 practices a week in the Sherwood area. Practices are normally 60-90 minutes in length on weeknights. Teams may have a game or scrimmage during the week, which may take the place of a regularly scheduled practice.
When and where are games; how many games are there?
Games times and locations will vary depending on scheduling availability of other teams. Games will be geared towards getting girls ready to play competitively and therefore may be against teams based in other communities. Games may be played on weeknights or weekends. Most games will be played in Sherwood, but there may be some travel to nearby communities involved. The end of the season will be marked by a tournament (or tournament-style) series of games against nearby competitive teams.
How long does the season last?
The Fireball Futures season begins in spring and runs through early summer. More details to come!
Beginning at the 10U level, our competitive tournament Fireball teams play through the summer and fall. Our goal with the Fireball Futures is that eventually the Futures teams make the jump to play beyond the spring and become full-blown competitive teams.
How do I become a coach?
If you are still interested in being considered for a Fireball Futures coaching position, please register through the website. If you have any other questions or would like to discuss something in more detail, please reach out to: [email protected]